Category: My Struggle

Big Fat ZERO!

Up until December 12th, 2016 I hadn’t posted anything. One year later, I published most of the words you are about to read now, tweaked a bit.  After fighting off depression once within the last three years, my brain and I crawled back into the abyss for a while.  A life-threatening issue along the way (long-story) didn’t help me much. Motivation, gone. Joie de vivre, non-existent. A challenge to be around? You bet. I knew better and yet couldn’t pull myself out of this muck. Good news. The score today; Gary ~ 2 ♥ Depression ~ Big Fat ZERO!

Everything you may have heard about this daunting mental illness is real, and real hard. After putting myself and my family through the ringer, it was time for an “attitude adjustment.” Just about everyone encouraged me to seek a hobby, get active, get your butt back in the kitchen.  Although routine activities such as lawn and laundry may not be very exciting, I found a sense of accomplishment upon completion of these small tasks. Being more socially active has made me feel better as well. Normally introverted, have gone in the other direction, without any Red Bull. I’m chatty and have to keep busy. There are not enough hours in a day to “Get-R-Done”.*

My discovery or recovery, came down to the difference between isolation and solitude. The former was not helpful when attempting to climb back into life and living, all the while complaining. The latter has been used to “chill” with good positive thoughts and energy.  If you follow me on Facebook ~ ~ you’ll see that I’m cooking again. Thinking again. Music feeds my soul while cooking is like a good wine. I hear you, “it gets better with age” and brings me into a good place. Really, really good!

My main reason for writing this can be attributed to selfish stimulation, and goes back to why my blog was created in the first place.  It has to do with the appreciation of music, such as my new friend Lady Gaga (video below), and the instant gratification of being published on my terms.  Up until December 2015, writing bassbeat had been my enjoyable “something to do”.  There was a time when I couldn’t believe my paycheck was a direct result of playing music 6 days a week, regardless of how many people listened to the radio.  I guess what I’m saying is, doing what you love is good for the soul.

I am not taking depression lightly and hope it never lurks at my doorstep, ever again.  Given a choice, wouldn’t put up with it at all. My family, friends, activity of any kind and music, all bring me instant gratification. Greet everyday. That’s it. Simply greet everyday, knowing some will be good and some great. There I go again, being all positive. Fight the good fight and you’ll get to a better place. Take a moment to note small victories. Tackle any BS with patience.  Most importantly, appreciate the people in life, right there, fighting with you. Oh, and play some music.

Got to go. Just received a ping from self.  A reminder to pick up a few things for Shrimp Pesto over zucchini noodles topped with Romano cheese. The sommelier in me is whispering buttery Chardonnay. Ahhhhh. [contact-form][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ =’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’text’=’1’/][/contact-form]

*Larry The Cable Guy – Thank you!